About Us

We are a church seeking to honor God by praising Him, caring for and teaching one another and sharing our faith with all.

Listen to the Pastor’s “About Us” Message: Mission 2019

Listen to the Pastor’s Message: Operation 2020

Listen to the Pastor’s Message: Mission 2021

Our Vision

We at East Wenatchee First Baptist Church believe that our ultimate purpose is to glorify God. Jesus Christ is the central theme of our life and ministry.


Praising is a main part of worship. We worship our Lord Jesus Christ corporately when we gather as a local body. We glorify Him my offering our praise and thanksgiving, by lifting our voices in song, and by receiving instruction from His Word.


Caring is in mind when the Bible speaks of fellowship. Having entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s Son, made us brothers and sisters. When we are focused on Christ, we are able to view others through God’s eyes and that helps us minister to them in a way that would please Christ and build up His Church.


Teaching is essential for a proper understanding of God’s desire for our lives. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible Word of God. Since the Word of God is central to all that we do, all ministries of the church are built upon its foundation. God’s Word is the only relevant plan for living in our day. The Bible is as applicable to the struggles of living today as it was 2000 years ago.


Sharing the good News of Jesus Christ with the world, including East Wenatchee, is the special job given to us by Christ. It is our desire to see others enter into the same relationship with Christ that we share.